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Technological tanks

Drewmax is a producer of a wide range of technological tanks. A rich machinery stock makes it possible for the company to perform even the most demanding tasks. The offered tanks can be equipped with, among others, inspection manholes, aspiration connection pipes, connection pipes for additional appliances, assembly lugs, etc.

Due to the tank type produced by Drewmax company, the products in this category can be divided into:

  • Welded type tanks
  • Bolted type bins
  • Slide modular silos
  • Bolted modular silos


Tanks can be made either of carbon steel or stainless steel. In case of modular silos, mixed structures can be used – the internal elements are made of stainless steel, whereas the external ones are made of spray coated carbon steel.

Welded type tanks – When they are made of stainless steel, they are particularly recommended for the food industry. Welded tanks produced by our company are characterised by high accuracy of performance of welded joints.

Our machinery stock enables our company to construct untypical tanks of large dimensions.

Bolted type bins – In places where it is impossible to use welded tanks delivered as a whole, bolted type bins are applied.

These tanks are manufactured as properly designed single-shell modules which can be easily transported and then their assembly is carried out on the Customer’s premises.

Slide / Bolted Modular silos – Modular silos are used mainly as self-supporting structures for storing loose products.

Modular silos are composed of two metal sheets connected with each other with the use channel sections. The space between metal sheets is filled with air and thus the product inside the tank is kept away from moisture condensing in between panel walls.

These silos are constructed either in slide technology – there are no bolt connections on the tank load-bearing pillars, or in bolted technology.

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iso-9001 DREWMAX
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